Join Jarrad Weeks and family to walk for a good cause

Prior to taking on the rigours of the 2022-23 NBL season and trying to return his team to the finals, Tasmanian JackJumper Jarrad Weeks along with his wife Michelle are looking to tackle a bigger challenge this weekend.

Jarrad and Michelle will be hosting a walk at Kingston Beach in Hobart to help raise much needed funds for the Sydney Blood Cancer Research Institute through the Move4Myeloma.

Speaking on the Milkshakes for Marleigh Podcast, Jarrad discussed why the charity was particularly close to his family.

“Michelle’s dad [Shane] passed away from Multiple Myeloma, and as a family we are keen to try and help out any way that we can. It’s obviously something very close to us for that reason,” Jarrad said.

“We saw Donna come along with Move4Myeloma, she’s a patient at the same hospital with the same doctors and the same incredible crew that Shane went through. We’re only too happy to help out,” he said.

In addition to raising funds, they were also wanting to raise awareness of Multiple Myeloma.

“In my Dad’s case, we’d certainly never heard of multiple myeloma,” Michelle said

“Its not a very common cancer, of the blood cancers. It goes undiagnosed and untreated for a long time.

“So a lot of what we’re wanting to do is build the awareness around what the signs and symptoms are, what to look for and just to be on top of things so there a chance to treat it earlier,” she said.

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Jarrad and Michelle will lead the walk at Kingston Beach at 8am on Sunday 7 August. However the event is open to everyone regardless of their location.

“Anyone can partake from where ever they are,” Michelle said.

“If it is a big walk, if it is riding, if it’s is a game of touch, whatever it may be. For some patients somedays it’s literally just being able to get up and potentially out of bed and stretch in thier own living room.

“And that’s why Move4Myeloma is not a specific area or place, but its inviting everyone to come together with people they may know or just to think about it and move their bodies on the weekend and raise awareness of multiple myeloma.

More information

To donate or find out more information Sydney Blood Cancer Research Institute please visit Move4Myeloma.

To find out more about Multiple Myeloma please visit Health Direct.

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